News about immigration to the U.S.

Changes in legislation regarding foreign students, workers, and businessmen in the United States

Read the latest articles about immigration to the U.S.

Useful tips and information from an immigration lawyer. Read all articles.

Booking consultation

During an online consultation, we will discuss your immigration issues and problems, as well as find ways to solve them.

The cost of the consultation is $150.

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Бронирование консультации

Во время онлайн консультации мы обсудим Ваши иммиграционные вопросы и проблемы, а также найдем пути их решения.

Стоимость консультации $150. 

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We have received your application and will contact you as soon as we analyze the data.

Заявка успешно отправлена.

Мы получили Вашу заявку и свяжемся с Вами, как только проанализируем данные.